இன்றைய சிந்தனை

To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of

- The Mother

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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Message of the Day - You must not project human ideas upon the Divine - இறைவன் தண்டிப்பதில்லை

....But then that means they are not sincere? How is it then
that the Divine responds?

You think that the Divine has a small human judgment! You
must not project human ideas upon the Divine.

If you are not sincere, what happens is that your own consciousness is veiled. Take, for example, a man who tells lies; his consciousness gets veiled and after a while, he can no longer
distinguish falsehood from truth. He sees images and calls them
truth. One who is wicked loses his aspiration, loses his capacity
of realisation, loses all possibility of understanding, feeling and
realising. That is the punishment.

One puts veils, obstacles between oneself and the Divine.

That is how one punishes oneself. The Divine does not withdraw;
one makes oneself incapable of receiving him. The Divine
does not distribute in this way rewards and punishments, it is
not at all like that.

When one is insincere, when one has bad will, when one is
a traitor, one punishes oneself instantaneously. Insincere people
lose even the little bit of consciousness that would make them
know that they are wicked; they become as though unconscious.
They end up by not knowing anything at all any longer.

- Questions and Answers - The Mother

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