இன்றைய சிந்தனை

To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of

- The Mother

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Monday, 23 February 2015

Message of the Day: Surrender

It means that one gives oneself entirely to the Divine.
Yes, and then what happens? If you give yourself entirely to the
Divine, it is He who does the Yoga, it is no longer you; hence this
is not very difficult; while if you do tapasya, it is you yourself
who do the yoga and you carry its whole responsibility—it is
there the danger lies. But there are people who prefer to have
the whole responsibility, with its dangers, because they have a
very independent spirit. They are not perhaps in a great hurry—
if they need several lives to succeed, it does not matter to them.
But there are others who want to go quicker and be more sure of
reaching the goal; well, these give over the whole responsibility
to the Divine.
-Questions and Answers 1950

   What does the human will actually surrender?  In order to be a good and conscientious citizen, we must give up bad habits in favour of good habits. But for one who wants to unite with his soul, all habits have to be given up. Habit itself is a limiting movement, a dead movement. Therefore all habits have to go.  Both bad and good habits have to be given up in favour of the higher consciousness within us, the inner Divine.
   An unpunctual man is always late, and the punctual man always on time. The unpunctual man is despised by the society whereas the punctual man is appreciated. But how to give up this good habit? The mind has accepted the idea of punctuality and implements it. Punctuality does not belong to the level of the soul. It belongs to the mind. If you function from the mind, it is a mental act.  But it is possible to offer the idea of punctuality to the inner Divine. Let the soul accept the idea. You will reach an appointment exactly at the right time, guided not by your mental ideal but by the inner Divine; not by the clock and the mind, but by the soul through inner means.

-Karmayogi Avarkal in his article "Surrender"

Photo Courtesy :   .Mirapuri-Enterprises.com

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