இன்றைய சிந்தனை

To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of

- The Mother

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Monday, 15 August 2016

Sri Aurobindo's Message : August 15th is my own birthday and .............

August 15th is my own birthday and it is naturally gratifying to me that it should have assumed this vast significance. I take this coincidence, not as a fortuitous accident, but as the sanction and seal of the Divine Force that guides my steps on the work with which I began life, the beginning of its full fruition.

Indeed on this day I can watch almost all the world movements which I hoped to see fulfilled in my lifetime, although then they looked like impracticable dreams, arriving at fruition or on their way to achievement.

In all these movements free India may well play a large part and take a leading position…

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