இன்றைய சிந்தனை

To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of

- The Mother

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Friday 17 June 2016

Message of the Day - Happiness - சந்தோஷம்

Michel Montecrossa and The Chosen Few

What should we do to make the soul happy, so that
it reincarnates in good conditions, for example in a
spiritual environment?

Have no sorrow and remain very peaceful and quiet, while keeping
an affectionate remembrance of the one who has departed.

Lord, give me the real happiness, that which depends only upon

Always be good and you will always be happy.

geranium red flower
Pelargonium Geranium

Lord, give us true happiness, the happiness that depends on Thee

Let us seek our happiness only in the Divine.

-The Mother, Words of the Mother III

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