MY being goes up to Thee in thanks giving, not because Thou usest this weak and imperfect body to manifest Thyself, but because Thou dost manifest Thyself, and that is the Splendour of splendours, the Joy of joys, the Marvel of marvels. All who seek Thee with ardour should understand that Thou art there whenever there is need of Thee; and if they could have the supreme faith to give up seeking Thee, but rather to await Thee, at each moment putting themselves integrally at Thy service, Thou wouldst be there whenever there was need of Thee; and is there not always need of Thee with us, whatever may be the different, and often unexpected, forms of Thy manifestation? Let Thy glory be proclaimed, And sanctify life; Let it transform men’s hearts, And Thy Peace reign on earth. . - Words of the Mother |
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இன்றைய சிந்தனை
To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of
- The Mother
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of
- The Mother
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Friday, 24 March 2017
Message of the Day - From Prayers and Meditations
Friday, 17 March 2017
Message of the Day - What I want to bring about .....
1. Perfect Consciousness. 2. Integral Knowledge, omniscience. 3. Power invincible, irresistible, ineluctable; omnipotence. 4. Health, perfect, constant, unshakable; perpetually renewed energy. 5. Eternal youth, constant growth, uninterrupted progress. 6. Perfect beauty, complex and total harmony. 7. Inexhaustible unparalleled riches,control over all the wealth of this world. 8. The gift of healing and giving happiness. 9. Immunity from all accidents, invulnerability against all adverse attacks. 10. Perfect power of expression in all fields and all activities. 11. The gift of tongues,the power of making oneself understood perfectly by all. 12. And all else necessary for the accomplishment of Thy work. - Words of the Mother |
Friday, 10 March 2017
Message of the Day - Sri Aurobindo
* Sri Aurobindo incarnated in a human body the supramental consciousness and has not only revealed to us the nature of the path to follow and the method of following it so as to arrive at the goal, but has also by his own personal realisation given us the example; he has provided us with the proof that the thing can be done and the time is now to do it. * Never for an instant vacillate in the belief that the mighty work of change taken up by Sri Aurobindo is going to culminate in success. For that indeed is a fact: there is not a shadow of doubt as to the issue of the work we have in hand.... The transformation is going to be: nothing will ever stop it, nothing will frustrate the decree of the Omnipotent. Cast away all diffidence and weakness and resolve to endure bravely awhile before the great day arrives when the long battle turns into an everlasting victory. - Words of the Mother |
Friday, 3 March 2017
Message of the day - There is a purpose in life
* You are here to contact your soul, and that is why you live. Aspire persistently and try to silence your mind. The aspiration must come from the heart. * To be and to become more and more what the Divine wants us to be should be our greatest preoccupation. - Words of the Mother |
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- Sathya Jeeviyam
- A blog that shares the views of Sri Mother and Bhagavan Sri Auriobindo. This blog is not related to any Spiritual Organisation. This is a non commercial website intended to share information and spread the Divine consciousness.