Just as a beautiful flower which is both radiant and sweetly scented, so are the beautiful words of one who acts accordingly. Just as many garlands can be made from a heap of flowers, so a mortal can accumulate much merit by good deeds. The fragrance of flowers, even that of sandalwood or of incense, even that of jasmine, cannot go against the wind; but the sweet fragrance of intelligence goes against the wind. All around the man of intelligence spreads the fragrance of his virtue. - Words of the Mother |
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இன்றைய சிந்தனை
To all those who aspire
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of
- The Mother
Open yourself to the new Force (Supramental Force). Let it do in you its work of
- The Mother
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Friday, 24 February 2017
Message of the Day: Just as a beautiful flower.....
Friday, 17 February 2017
Message of the Day: What do you mean by a “divine way of life”?
We always call “Divine” all that we are not but wish to be. All that seems to us infinitely superior, not only to all that we have done, but to all that we feel we can do; all that surpasses both our conception and our present possibilities, we call “Divine”. I say this, not as a joke, but because I am quite convinced that if we go back some thousands of years, when men spoke of the Divine—if ever they did speak of the Divine, as I believe —they spoke perhaps of a state like that of the god heads of the Overmind; and now this mode of being of the Overmind godheads who, obviously, have governed the earth and formed many things on earth for a very long time,seems to us far inferior to what we conceive the Supermind to be. And this Supermind, whichis,precisely,what wenowcallthe Divine andtrytobring down on earth, will probably strike us in the same way a few thousand or million years hence as the Overmind does today. And I am sure that in the manifestation, that is, in His selfexpression, the Divine is progressive. Outside the manifestation He is something we cannot conceive; but as soon as He manifests in this kind of perpetual becoming, well, He manifests more and more of Himself, as though He were reserving for the end the most beautiful things in His Being. As the world progresses, what He expresses in the world becomes what we might call more and more divine. So Sri Aurobindo has used the word Supermind to explain to those who are in the outer and evolutionary consciousness and who have some idea of the way in which the earth has developed—to explain to them that this something which is going to be beyond all this, and superior to human creation, to man, whom he always calls the mental being—this something which is going to come will be greater and better than man; and so he calls it supramental in order to make himself understood. But we could just as well say that it is something more divine than what has been manifested before. And this he himself says, in what I read today, that it is infinite, that it has no limits.1 That is to say, there will always be a growing perfection; and what now seems to us imperfect must have been the perfection for which certain ages in earth’s history aspired. There is no reason why this should stop. If it stopped, it would be finished. It would be a new Pralaya. - Words of the Mother |
Friday, 10 February 2017
Message of the Day - How can we increase the receptivity?
* How can we increase the receptivity? By progressing. One must first know how to open himself and then, in a great quietude know how to assimilate the forces one has received, not to throw them out again. One must know how to assimilate them. So the progress lies in a normal but progressive equilibrium, periods of assimilation—reception, assimilation — and periods of expenditure, and knowing how to balance the two, and alternate them in a rhythm which is your personal one. You must not go beyond your capacity, you must not remain below it, because the universal vital forces are not something which you could put into a strong box. They must circulate. So you must know how to receive and at the same time to spend, but to increase the capacity of reception so as to have more and more of the things which are to be used up, to be spent. Besides, this is what happens, as I said, this is what happens quite naturally with children. They begin, make a certain effort, receive a certain force spontaneously, assimilate it and then after a few days, two days, ten days, twenty days they can spend more. After a year they can do much more, because quite naturally they alternate the reception and the expenditure, and they progress in their stature. They of course do it unconsciously, but when one is older it becomes more difficult; one stops growing up, for example.So this means that there’s a certain period of expansion which has stopped. But it can be prolonged, then, with an inner discipline, a method one finds: it has to be one’s own method. - Words of the Mother |
Friday, 3 February 2017
Message of the Day : Be quiet
* Be quiet. We have only to work patiently without being disturbed by anything and keep unshaken the faith in the inevitable Victory. * Quietness, quietness, a calm and concentrated strength, so quiet that nothing can shake it—this is the indispensable basis for the integral realisation. * * The more a person is quiet in front of all occurrences, equal in all circumstances, and keeps a perfect mastery of himself and remains peaceful in the presence of whatever happens, the more he has progressed towards the goal. * In quietness you will feel that the divine force, help and protection are always with you. - Words of the Mother |
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- Sathya Jeeviyam
- A blog that shares the views of Sri Mother and Bhagavan Sri Auriobindo. This blog is not related to any Spiritual Organisation. This is a non commercial website intended to share information and spread the Divine consciousness.